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What do I have to do to be admitted into programs offered by Partnership for Progress?It is very helpful if you have an IHH worker/Case Manager/Social Worker helping you with the process. However, the first step is to look over the admission criteria and application requirements that are posted in the downloadable resources section of this website. Fill out an application and return it to us either by e-mail, fax, or US mail along with the other information required. Our staff will look over your information and contact you. We require an on-site visit at your home prior to admitting anyone to our SCL Services. Anyone over the age of 18 who has a need for services may apply.
Who pays for SCL or Day Program services?Each of those services is accredited for HCBS Habilitation funding. Region or private pay funding is also a possibility, but at the same rate as Habilitation.
Where do I live if I receive Supported Community Living (SCL) Services?Members in our hourly SCL Services live in their own homes or apartment of their choosing and may live independently, with family, significant others, or with roommates. Members in our 24-hour Residential Services live in a house with 2-3 roommates and have staff assistance available up to 24 hours each day. Each member is in their own bedroom. Prior to moving into a home, the new member chooses if they like the home and the potential roommates meet to determine if they would like to live together.
How long will I need to be in PFP's programs?The short answer is, “that depends.” Each person is different with individualized strengths and needs. Most members who come to us either have not developed the skills necessary for successful independent living or have had those skills and lost them because of serious and persistent bouts of mental illness. We will closely work with you and your team to determine areas to work toward.
Can I go and stay overnight with my family if I receive services?Outings with family or friends are encouraged. We ask that you notify your staff ahead of time so they can alter your service schedule.
Can I smoke?In accordance with the Public Health Department Chapter 153, "Smoke Free Air", Partnership for Progress is required to provide a smoke free work environment for its employees. Therefore, individuals receiving SCL services are asked to refrain from smoking during hourly service visits or smoke outside in 24-hour staffed homes.
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