Our Mission is...
"To provide individuals an opportunity to live as members of their community."

Partnership for Progress, located in Atlantic, IA, is a human services agency operating community-based programs of service to adults who are chronically and persistently mentally ill or who have other mental or behavioral challenges. We assist people with the development and implementation of personalized program plans that focus on attaining skills needed to live as responsibly, independently, and mentally stable as possible. Our experienced staff members are dedicated to teaching skill development and providing direction and support to those we serve.
I LOVE the work the staff does. I have a lot of respect for each of them. Partnership for Progress has changed our family for the better. I am very thankful.
They help me be more independent.
I like that I am encouraged to be as independent as possible. I like that I get a say in my treatment plan.
Our Services
I am comfortable with the staff I have and they are easy to talk with and are very understanding.
Partnership for Progress, Incorporated, also referred to as PFP, is a 501(c) 3 not-for-profit corporation. This human services agency operates community based programs of service to adults who are chronically and persistently mentally ill or who have other mental or behavioral challenges.
Current programs and services provided by PFP:​
SCL— Home-based supported community living (SCL) to individuals in their own homes. PFP offers hourly up to 24-hour services and is eligible for Habilitation funding.
Day Program—This is a skills based program called Journey and is also eligible for Habilitation funding.
Supported Community Living Services
Partnership for Progress provides hourly up to 24-hour support services to adults living in their own homes in Atlantic.
This program is accredited under DHS Chapter 24 and is an approved HCBS Home-Based Habilitation service. Areas of Service Include:
Individualized Planning: Services will be coordinated according to each person’s needs and revised as those needs change. Ongoing communication with team members is crucial for success; which is measured by the satisfaction of those using the service.
Health Care: Support staff will monitor to ensure that medications continue to be stored and consumed appropriately and that medical appointments are made as necessary. Individuals will be educated in recognizing side effects of medications and symptoms of illness.
Food & Nutrition: Individuals will be educated in menu planning, grocery shopping, meal preparation and kitchen safety and clean-up.
Money Management: Individuals will be educated in establishing spending priorities, budgeting, checkbook reconciliation, etc. Partnership for Progress will act as representative payee at no charge if requested.
Domestic Skills: Individuals will be taught the skills necessary to maintain a clean living environment, to launder and care for clothing, to attend to person hygiene and grooming and appropriate clothing selection. We will also monitor work attendance and other program participation.
Socialization: The lack of opportunity to socialize and the subsequent feelings of loneliness and isolation can contribute to the failure of community placements. Therefore socialization will be strongly encouraged by discussing upcoming community events.
Transportation: Staff will provide transportation as needed. Individuals will also be educated on ways to resolve transportation problems such as accessing public transportation, walking, paying family or friends for rides, and exploring other possibilities.
Crisis Intervention: Individuals are required to participate in the creation of an Emergency and Safety Plan. Those needing assistance may call PFP 24/7 and speak with a staff member. They may visit the office Monday - Friday between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM.
It keeps me on my toes and make sure I'm eating right and taking my medications.
Day Program
Journey is the name of our Day Program. It was specifically designed to address the deficits that are common in persons who are chronically and persistently mentally ill as they recover from their active illness and travel the road to independence.
The Day Program focuses on but is not limited to areas listed below:
Anger Management
Social Skills
Coping Skills
Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) and WRAP support
Participants are offered help and practice in the specific areas they have chosen, in a community environment that is friendly and inviting. Transportation to and from our Day Program is provided.
I like that I can choose which Day Program classes I want to take. I also have input in what we do in class.